Small applet to make calls to the api of INSPIRE and doing small operations with it.
The use case (and the reason this was born) is when you have to fill some repetitive bureaucracy which requires some specific information in some specific format. If you have to do so every year your available papers might have changed and you see yourself filling the same paperwork over and over again.
For now this is only using the API provided by INSPIRE. I might eventually add a ORCiD if I see myself in need.
Note: this is a js applet running on the browser, i.e., everything happens in the client side so no information is uploaded anywhere. The only connection to the internet is the API call to INSPIRE. It is possible to format the output using HTML tags.
You can use the following self descriptive keywords, that will be substituted with the corresponding information $PAGES, $AUTHORS, $JOURNAL, $TITLE, $PAGEJOURNAL, $VOLJOURNAL, $PUBYEAR, $DOI